Saturday, November 26, 2011

Putzy Cookie Bake Project

Now that the annual Hedberg Cookie Bake is in full swing at my sister Raylene's house, I can finally unveil my putzy cookie bake project. I just call this "I'm melting!"

Is that not adorable -- if I do say so myself?? I have to give hubby all the credit. He spotted something like this online and said, "You could do this!"
And so I did!

And you can, too. The base is a sugar cookie. You can use small tubes of decorator's icing to make the "surprise" snowman faces on the marshmallow. Set aside so the frosting sets. Then you put the plain white cookie icing on the cookie and spead out with the back of a spoon so it looks like it's melting over the edges. Put snowman head in place and add the frosting buttons and arms.

Now this is where mine got super-putzy. I couldn't find a small tube of black decorator frosting for the eyes, mouth and arms. So I used dark purple for the eyes and mouth, but for the arms, I used licorice. I opted for brown chocolate licorice since I wasn't sure everyone in my family liked black licorice. Then I used my kitchen scissors and cut out all the teeny-tiny arms and twig hands. Uff da.

Super putzy. But worth it.