Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Hunting

Today is opening day of the Wisconsin gun-deer season. Usually we are awakened by the sound of gunshots -- like we're living in the ghetto -- but today, nothing. I don't know if that's because we had a fan on low to create some white noise or if hunters weren't seeing anything in the drizzle.

I still woke up way too early for going to bed at 1 a.m. Good thing I did not have to be that productive today. And I wasn't.

Got a few chores and errands done. Spent probably too much time making a creative treat for our upcoming Cookie Bake. But in the end, it was worth it. I even took pictures but now I can't post them until after the exchange or it won't be a surprise!

I have another surprise under my blaze-orange hat, too! Call it my successful hunt... I have been thinking of ideas for a gift for my twin sister for Christmas. I had a few ideas but then something just fell into my lap and I could not pass it up. So now I am very excited and can't wait to surprise her. Again, I'll have to wait until after our family gift exchange in mid-December to share.

So what can I tell you?

Well, I got off my butt and got out for walk/run again. This time I alternated more frequently. I walked for a song in my mp3 player, then ran for a song, then walked for one and so on. My hip was uncomfortable but not so painful it forced me to stop or anything. So I'll just keep it slow and gradual, exercising patience more than anything else!

I did see a 6-point buck cross the road in front of me when I was just about back to Deer Road. Imagine that, a deer by Deer Road. Hmm... do hunters just think it's too obvious??

Good luck to you hunters searching for the big buck and you other "hunters" searching to spend a few bucks!

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