Saturday, November 5, 2011

Falling Back

With an extra hour added to the day thanks to Daylight Saving Time, I feel like I accomplished a lot. But I didn't really.

I was actually bragging that I got to sleep in -- which means past 8 o'clock for a change -- but then Carter trumped me by sleeping in 'til past 11 a.m. Yes, that would be 12 hours of sleep, give or take a few minutes. Wow. Here I made him cinnamon rolls at 9 a.m. so they'd be fresh when he got up. Not so much when you are rolling out of bed closer to noon.


I did get my chores done, which routinely involves finding the kitchen counter that gets "lost" during the work week. I also managed to take down my fall and Halloween decorations while using my will power not to listen to Christmas music yet. I even squeezed in 2 haircuts. Gave hubby a trim and shaved down Carter's Mohawk a bit. It's almost all evened out now.

We also ran a few errands in town and went out to eat tonight with Jim's family. Initially this was supposed to be a birthday dinner for my second step-son, but he found a better gig in the Twin Cities. All I can say is he missed out on some awesome cranberry dessert at Grandma's afterwards! It was still a nice time.

Tonight Jim and I spent our extra hour watching the movie Bridesmaids together. OK, I've been planning to see this for a month but haven't been home long enough. I wasn't thinking Jim would have to see it but his buddy said it was funny and he should see it. So he was willing. I thought it was hilarious and awesome. And really more of a chick flick. I'm pretty sure hubby wants his hour back.

Don't worry honey. We'll be springing ahead in no time!

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