Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Victory :: We'll take it

Dateline AUBURNDALE -- When the score at the end of the first quarter was something like 5-5, we knew it wasn't going to be pretty. But in the end, an ugly win is still a win!

Our 8th-grade boys really did do a pretty good job on defense and held Auburndale to just 13 points. For the whole game! So we got our first win -- and on the road to boot -- with a final score of 22-13.

Carter had some good plays on defense and was 0 for 2 on offense. He was up against this giant of a man-child and couldn't get a shot over him. Oh well, at least he was trying.

On the way home, we had to spoil the victor (isn't that how the saying goes?) and stop at Chips Hamburgers to get him supper. He even ordered a mint shake and I didn't. (Just too many visions of sugar plums and pumpkin pies dancing in my head already.)

After depositing the boys at home, I went to Wal-Mart to scope out the store. Not really. I already printed out my Black Friday store map. I was just going to get a few ingredients for some salads I am making for Thanksgiving dinner and my family gathering Saturday. A surprisingly light crowd. And a surprising supply of ingredients still in stock. If I had the time and ambition to make a pumpkin pie, I could!

But I don't have either. Even if this is my "Friday" and I am not back in the office until Monday, I have things to do before the weekend -- cookies to sort and divvy up, an early Christmas present to wrap and at least one more Christmas book to finish.

Oooh, that last one involves relaxing under my warm blankets. Let's start there...

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