Monday, August 6, 2012

Words to Live By

Even though I make my living off the power of my words, I just can't find the write, er right, statement that appropriately labels a current challenge in my life.

My dad had another unplanned visit to the doctor today. Despite a brief hospital stay last week and some new magical "pain patches," the pain from his 10-month bout of Shingles has pushed him over the edge again. The sad part... the hard part... the one we kids aren't prepared to see or hear... is that he is THIS close to just giving up. And I mean giving up for good.

Do we sit back and say "It is what it is"? I hate that phrase. I think it's supposed to mean, "That's how things are and you can't do anything about it. Just accept it." But then you might as well say nothing. Because it doesn't change anything.

Probably like I shouldn't blog about this because it will not change anything -- but the venting will make ME feel better. Ha.

Us kids are in a tough spot. Our parents need help but don't want it. I think they see it as a sign of weakness, like they can't handle independence any more. Sure 8 kids aren't going to necessarily agree on what's the next best step for them, but the bottom line is we all want the same thing. We want Mom and Dad to be healthy and safe in their environment. They, however, aren't going to budge.

Remember Forrest Gump saying "Stupid is as Stupid does"? His momma sure had lots of inspiring words that didn't always make sense. Not sure what the "Stupid" one meant exactly. But I can guess my family's motto could be "Stubborn is as Stubborn does." It definitely is what it is.

My siblings and I are in a role reversal situation where the children will become the caregivers to our parents just as they nurtured us from childhood to adulthood. I shouldn't say we ARE in that role yet. We are somewhat willing and prepared to be, but our "children" aren't listening. Can we give them a time out?

I guess our best words to live by come from a prayer I already say every day anyway...

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things -- people, circumstances and attitudes -- I cannot change...

Or shortened to: SERENITY NOW!

Yup, that works. Now onto that life of eating a box of chocolates...

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