Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Band Goes On Tour

Have you ever seen a mom at the store trying to get her temper-tantrum toddler to move and he just throws himself down and she practically pulls his arm out of his socket trying to drag the child-turned-cement block out of the line of scrutiny from other shoppers?

That is how it is trying to "drag" information out of a teenager.

How was school today? "Fine." What's new? "Nothing."

Good thing we had parent-teacher conferences recently so we could find out a few things. The big positive news is that Carter was named to the Marawood All-Conference Honors Band for a second year in a row. Awesome!

While his band teacher was going on and on about how "Carter just oozes talent," I just tried to hide my embarrassment that our child doesn't communicate with us. But then I learned we aren't the only ones that deal with this. So I put it behind me and am now just a plain old proud mother (who might not like the fact that I now hear too much)!

Last year, the Honors Band (and choir, too) spent the day at Spencer High School, practicing with their instrument groupings and as a whole band in preparation for a public concert that evening. Spencer is just north of Marshfield, so hubby and I went and enjoyed a great show.

Today, Carter was going so far north, we had to get him up at 4:30 so he could be at school around 5:30 a.m.

I did not realize how geographically far the Marawood Conference stretches! Somewhere between here and the North Pole, they are performing a concert tonight if you happen to be in the area of Cheqaumegon High School, which kind of sounds like maybe part of Manitoba??

It is actually in Park Falls, which is 2 1/2-3 hours from Rapids. I feel bad but we didn't make the trek. I guess I could have handled the drive up. But coming home late at night, I would have struggled driving in the dark, watching for deer and, oh yeah, staying awake!

I did text him earlier and he said the practices and everything are going well. There are 4 other band members from Assumption with him, plus a few choir folks, so I'm sure it probably feels like a day of playing hooky, with a concert at the end of it.

Hubby and I still don't know where our boy get his instrumental talent. But the next time his band goes on tour, we'll be happy to be his groupies.

(Then for sure he won't communicate what's going on and where!)

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