Monday, November 10, 2014


I'd be the last person to admit it's a sign of age, but I seem to be losing my senses. That's assuming I had any to begin with.

But I'm not talking about common sense, which I lost long ago, but the 5 human senses: Taste, hearing, sight, smell, touch.

Touch: My first test today was touch, well more like feel. We did not get dumped on with snow, but did get a little plus the icy mix here. So after skidding to a stop several times at intersections, I finally got the feel for driving in the winter again. It's called, going 40 mph for the whole work commute – no matter how long it takes to get there!

Taste: I was alarmed today that my taste buds may be fading. First I had a "chocolatey pretzel" type bar that shouldn't been better than cardboard, but just wasn't. Later, when I happened upon some scrumptious-looking "this is leftover, please take a piece" pumpkin pie, I could hardly eat it. No offense to the baker, but it just didn't do it for me, even with the whipped cream on top. Of course, it would almost be a blessing to lose taste now so I wouldn't be so tempted during the holidays. But it was a false alarm. I could taste the good supper hubby made just fine.

Sight: This time of the year it is quite challenging to see at dusk – even with my self-labeled "night-time driving glasses" on. Just that transition from light to dark when you know there are tons of deer lurking at the edge of the fields, waiting to jump in front of you. This afternoon, that was compounded by a light mist and fog. Not a fun drive home. Glad I left work when it was still light out so I could at least see for half of it. I guess the car drove itself home the second half!

Hearing:  Oh boy, has that been going lately. Plus it's harder to hear when you can't see as well. You know what I mean? My cell phone rings on my way home. I shouldn't have answered it because I was concentrating on the fog. But I do because it is the doctor's office and I was curious what they wanted. Apparently I just needed to make an appointment for my annual mammogram. So the appointment coordinator starts asking me standard questions, like if I'm pregnant or have health issues, etc. Then, I thought she asked if I had insurance and I said, "Yes!" Then there was a pause and I said, to clarify, "Did you say 'insurance'?" No, she said, "Implants!" Whoops. Obviously if this conversation was in person, she wouldn't have to ask. Another fun sign of aging!

Smell: No worries on this one. I still smell.

Ha. Now you can FEEL good about yourself!

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