Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Night Breakfast Club

In the past 24 hours I have had more than one discussion about will power. The general consensus is that yes, every one possesses will power. But the key is how long can you maintain that possession?

For me, 99 times out of 100: Not.Very. Long!

Whether it's denying myself a guilty pleasure or sticking to a new (usually healthy) routine, I just can't stick to it for long. Not long enough to make an impact anyway.

Today, for example, a co-worker (who is my age) and I were running on treadmills at the fitness center over lunch hour and lamenting how we are too old for this stuff. But agreed that getting back to it is better than doing nothing at all. He also said it would probably be unhealthy to be too skinny so we were both doing something right! Ha.

Fast-forward 6 hours and I erased any progress with my "Robyn vs. Food" moment. I am full but have no regrets. I am too old for THAT, too!

Hubby took me out to eat since Carter was working and we deserved a date night. We tried one bar & grill first that had a long wait to get seated, so then we headed downtown to another and managed to walk in as a table was clearing.

A longtime friend of ours works there and suggested the Burger of the Week – aka The Breakfast Burger. I couldn't resist.

I'm not usually the type to take a photo of my food, but I wanted you to see what I was up against. It was a hamburger, a sausage patty, bacon and scrambled eggs all sandwiched between two pancakes. Oh, and with a side of hashbrowns.

Next time you are hankering for a heart attack to start your day, I would suggest the Breakfast Burger. It's what's for dinner.

Seriously, it was quite tasty. There was only one way to eat it and that was with a fork. That made it easier to dip the cholesterol, I mean the burger, into the maple syrup! Yum. For the record, I came close to eating the whole thing but had to leave a few towering bites. I could tell I was running out of room.

The good news is that even though I just had "breakfast," I don't have to go to work now or do chores of any kind. Me and my full belly can take an 8-hour nap!

Good night, er, good morning!

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