Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Don't Look Down

Anyone who has spent enough time with me in places other than my work desk or my couch (both on ground level) knows I am afraid of heights. Very afraid.

Did you hear about this news story today?

I was at the fitness center over lunch and this was all over CNN. Can you see that speck on the World Trade Center tower? Look closer...

Yup, there are two window washers hanging on for dear life after their scaffolding accidentally shifted and repositioned itself in a "going down" angle. Yikes.

It took hours to rescue them. I am betting if I had been up there, I would have been long gone. Not from falling. The fear would have stopped my heart! Seriously.

I am grateful they eventually were saved. And am grateful for my office job, where the worst danger is stapling my finger or mutilating myself with a painful paper cut.

Do I have a job a like mine because of a college education or because I am gutless?

I have had to face some fears over the years – like talking to strangers or public speaking, even – but it hasn't stopped my heart so far. Guess it's good to get reminders once in awhile that we should appreciate the perks of our employment and know we won't end up like they guys.

Though it does explain why I don't do windows.

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