Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Survivor Salute

Normally on Veterans' Day, I'd be posting photos of the Assumption High School Band performing at the courthouse ceremony. But not this year. The band did not play there. Only 5 members – including my son – did. But he didn't tell me until supper.


So I will use an image I took two years ago in Boston at a place called The Memorial Garden. This particular tribute honors those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I have visited The Highground in Neillsville, where they honor all branches of service. And saw the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C., way back when it was first erected.

I am moved by what I see, but don't have the deep personal connection the grieving parents, spouses, siblings and children do. I did not lose anyone.

My dad did not serve due to a heart murmur. My brother was in the Navy but did not see combat. My nephews, though, survived the Desert. And thank God I can use the word "survived."

As an "Earth person" – a non-veteran – I honestly can't begin to comprehend the horrors of war. What they saw. What they did. How they suffered. Every sacrifice made for us and our freedom back home.

I recently listened to two audio books that shed some light on the suffering of soldiers (Unbroken: The Louis Zamperini story about WWII and Japan, written by Laura Hildenbrand) and the suffering of Holocaust victims (The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult).

Wow. Just, wow.

Just fighting in a war would be too much for a softy like me. But to be imprisoned in some fashion? Wow. I just couldn't fathom having the personal strength to survive.

I have always appreciated, honored and thanked veterans, but I now have a special place in my heart for those who were prisoners of war – either physically or in some emotional way that has trapped them since their return.

God bless you all!

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