Wednesday, November 5, 2014

HumpDay HeadLinez

No breaking news... No election results... Just HumpDay Happenin's... Or 4 reasons I'm a dork...

Tin Can Evolution: We've come a long way since playing telephone with tin cans connected by string. And it took me longer than most to come that long way. But I'm feeling pretty technically savvy tonight after using Face Time for the first time ever. My BFF is working out of town so we thought we'd give it a whirl so we could speak to each other "face to face" through our Mac computers. I accidentally hung up on her 3 times while trying to un-mute it. But I think she forgave me. I will get better with practice, I'm sure. I might even try that Skype thing, too. But let's not get too crazy.

Feeling Blue: Any time you see blue on a weather radar map, you know what four-letter word is coming. Most of our area is green, so we'll be wet, but we could get the white stuff by morning. Anywhere from a dusting around here to 2-4 inches Up North (like in the northern reaches of the Marawood Conference, if you were paying attention yesterday). I would like to at least have a full week to adjust to the time change before throwing a new season our way.

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: Plus, I am not ready for a new season. I am still PUMP-ed up for fall! I was wasting time making a collage today of the pumpkin-flavored treats I have enjoyed so far. Actually, I don't think I've had a piece of actual pumpkin pie yet – just everything that tastes like it! My latest find is the Quaker Instant Oatmeal. Yummy for the tummy and warm, too, on the now cold, winter-ish nights! "Slight" addiction?? You make the call.

Awk-ward Awards: Speaking of addictions... I have confessed multiple times that I am an Award Show Junkie. In fact, I need to sign off so I can get back to watching the Country Music Awards. You didn't know I listened to country music? You're right. I don't. The only nominee I know is Blake Shelton because he is on The Voice. Wouldn't know his songs or anyone else's, but I can't resist watching... with my cup of pumpkin spice tea...

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