Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cat Days of Indian Summer

First there are the Dog Days of Summer. Then come the Cat Days of Indian Summer.

Had to run home at lunch today and was immediately jealous of my "sun sister" Sylvester, catching all the rays on another gorgeous day of Indian Summer.

I wasted no time breaking the 11th commandment: Thou shalt not covet they kitty's sunning space.

But oh how I was tempted to play hooky and spend the afternoon with Mr. Deck Chair. Pretty sure that was my last chance. Based on the forecast, Indian Summer was short lived and, based on history, isn't likely to return later in the month or in December. Not to the extent Mr. Deck Chair and I enjoy anyway.

So I returned to work and tried to enjoy the sun shining in the window. Helped me feel better, I think, or maybe it was the 5th and final days of antibiotics??

Either way, coughing was down to a minimum at work and I was finally able to return to kickboxing class tonight. Felt good to do some exercise again. Here I had declared the month "NO-vember" as in NO excuses and NO whining and NO slacking. So first thing I do is skip 3 days of class. Ha. Guess I can allow a "doctor's excuse," right?

Hard to get motivated during the dog days and cat days. But we do what we can. Just thankful I am on the mend and that I am not as bad off as a few loved one who are dealing with illness and/or injury. Sending many prayers tonight... including one of thanks for the glorious day.

Although I'm sure our furry little sun seeker already thanked Him for that!

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