Saturday, November 21, 2015

Successful Hunt

I wouldn't call us impostors, per se, but we kind of were. Even though our hubbies don't wear blaze orange,  a bunch of us pretended they do in order to score some "Hunter's Widow" deals today.

Armed with our Christmas lists, we started off for Mall of America at 7 a.m. My new employer sponsored the trip and we were allowed to bring a guest. I kidnapped my BFF Christine and, between employees and guests, we filled 3 coach buses!

The only other times I've been to the MOA (as it's called) has been with kids in tow. I've experienced the amusement park as both Camp Snoopy and Nickelodeon Universe. This was my first trip there where I could actually shop. And for 8 hours to boot!

If success means money falls out of our pocketbooks like ornaments dropping from a Christmas tree, then we are high achievers!

Did I get ALL my Christmas shopping done? No. Partly because Carter didn't text me his list until well after our arrival. And partly because there rarely are bargains at MOA. It's a tourist attraction. People will shop there no matter what.

Still, I did find some good stuff, enjoyed lunch, ice cream and Caribou coffee with my bestie, found time for a much needed half-hour massage break (yes, MOA has everything) AND felt right at home in Viking territory.

May not have found deals, but I'd say our hunting excursion was priceless.

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