Monday, November 30, 2015

Just Say NO-vember

Well thank goodness NO-vember is coming to a close so I can quit saying "no" to everything. Because you know I was so good at that!

At least Carter was diligent. Although the dress code at Assumption prohibits facial hair, the senior boys were allowed to participate in No-Shave November if they donated to St. Jude's Children's Fund. He donated and let it grow. He wouldn't let me take a picture to show his final progress. In other words, it wasn't much. He could grow some mean mutton chops some day but that's about it.

So glad he shaved tonight. I love seeing his clean face!

Although I was the queen of NO progress as well, I decided to finish strong for real. Although I forgot this weekend to wear that FitBit I HAD to have on Black Friday, I did remember today. I took a walk break at lunch and tonight tried out our new treadmill that was delivered today.

Guess who has 10,000 steps? That's right. It isn't that hard to do if you put some effort into it. Too bad that great idea didn't come to me a month ago!

I dread changing the calendar to December, though. It's a terribly divisive month. Half of me wants to make up for all those New Year's Resolutions I did not keep the previous 11 months. The other half wants to sit around and enjoy some Schwan's Peppermint Stick ice cream and Hallmark Christmas movies and start again in January.

I think you know which way I tend to go. But can I break the vicious cycle? It's not like I used up my supply of NOs in November. I'll have to check with my carrier to see if i can roll them over to the next month.

I know I never run out of excuses. Maybe I should switch my plan.

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