Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Over the River...

Who remembers this song?
"Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go...
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow..."

It seems this week is the launch pad for holiday travel. And it can always get tricky. Since November temps can range from 16 to 60, we never know what to expect. My friends in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois know all about that after getting 8-10 inches of snow last weekend!

Today, though, I didn't think anything of it while driving to work. Until I came across this accident scene...

This was on a county road where the speed limit is just 45 mph. I could not figure out how the vehicle could flip. Driving was fine for my commute shortly before 8 a.m. But as you can see from the lights reflecting on the wet road, the surface may have been slippery just 15 or 20 minutes earlier.

I hope the people involved were OK. I didn't hear another thing about it all day. But it was a good reminder to use extra caution this time of year when the mild temperatures in the garage can be misleading for what has been happening outside while we were sleeping!

Like every holiday weekend, expect traffic and deteriorating road conditions. Be alert and be careful so you can reach your destination and everyone will be thankful to see you!

We will be doing a little bit of travel. Celebrating with Jim's family on Thursday, then I'll hook up with mine on Saturday at the annual Cookie Bake/Exchange up north. Sometime between those 2 gatherings we are supposed to get a few inches of sleet, slush and snow.

If that could all melt before I go over the river and through the woods on Saturday morning, I would be most grateful! And that's what the holiday is all about right?

Wishing you safe travels and a happy Thanksgiving!

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