Saturday, November 14, 2015

Window of Free Time

This is the third weekend of the year I have been productive. In other words, the first "free weekend" since Labor Day weekend and, before that, July 4th weekend. Seriously.

It was a relief to see only one concrete plan on the calendar for Friday through Sunday: Book Club this morning. That's it.

So last night, while intermittently watching all the news updates from Paris, I got my Saturday chores done a day early plus tackled some de-cluttering and organizing in the bedroom. Even did a little work in the basement but lost ambition.

When it's dark out, it just feels like you should be sleeping, not cleaning!

Today, I went to book club at 9, where we enjoyed a great conversation about What She Left Behind. A worthy read. A 90-minute-discussion worthy read!

After that, my friend Christine and I popped into the Holiday Expo going on in town. Only bought one thing. Dropped her off and came home and was all set to tackle my office/Scrap Cave de-cluttering when my friend Cindy and I decided we better go for a walk while the sun was still high in the sky. At this time of year, when the shadows appear, the warmth disappears. We had a nice 3-mile walk in relatively mild (50+ degrees) temperatures.

Came home and had the house to myself. Hubby was visiting his sick uncle and Carter was at a friend's. I could have easily plopped on the couch to watch some DVR'd shows and Hallmark movies but I honestly did get going on my Cave. Honest! Got Carter's school stuff organized in containers for scrapbooking. Put away extra scrapping materials. Cleaned off the main desk and actually threw some things away!

By the time Jim came home, I was ready to sit down. Then I did finally cave and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. I watched one called The Christmas Heart on one Hallmark Channel while DVR'ing a new one on the other Hallmark Channel. Not sure when I'll see that one, but maybe there'll be another free window of time yet in 2015.

Of course, if I take that "Sunday is a day of rest" business seriously, I might have "plans" this weekend after all!

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