Monday, November 16, 2015

Under Pressure

No matter how hard I try, I just can't even give this cold away. I tried giving it to hubby and now we're just sharing it, a sort of joint custody, taking turns with the coughing fits at night.

The side effect for me is that for the past week or so I have had a headache. Not the pounding kind, but more like a pressure. Like when you're in an airplane and changing altitude. I was worried I was part vampire and reacting to a full moon or some atmospheric change. But after talking to a few girlfriends, I got it figured out.

No, not the Bird Flu. Though that would have been ironically fitting.

It's a sinus headache or sinus infection or sinus something!

I guess I haven't had this before but the symptoms, according to Web MD, all match up. I know... not everything on the Internet it true but I was trying to avoid another trip to the doctor. And it's a very smart website. I was surprised that the recent onset of sensitivity in my upper teeth is tied to this sinus thing, too. Who knew?

Apparently lots of people. Maybe the vampires even knew. I just had to ask.

So at lunch I went to the store and got some over-the-counter meds targeted to sinus PRESSURE and more. Plus I got a fun little nasal spray that is a joy to shove up my nose and shake things up a bit.

We'll see what works. I can handle the coughing at night, but I would like to have relief from the pressure.

The pressure to be a domestic goddess is enough on its own, don't ya think?

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