Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pajama Pardon

Not that I am one of those people who changes into pajamas the minute I get home at 0 Dark 30... But, well, I AM one of those people.

Sometimes, like last night, I disguise myself by wearing sweats OVER the pajamas, just to avoid 7 p.m. eye rolling by those crazy night owls I live with. And by night owls, I'm talking staying up to watch the 10 o'clock news or to do homework. How do they do it?

So there I was last evening, sitting on the couch in my "sweats," eating popcorn and watching The Voice. It was almost 8 p.m. when I heard from the Geek Squad that my computer was ready for pickup. What? Now? This late?

The thing is, the Best Buy store in Plover/Stevens Point is about a 25-minute drive. And it was dark. Very dark. And raining. Very hard.

But... I really wanted to get my new computer! Do I just throw on a jacket and go? How would they know what I'm really wearing? But what if I get in an accident and they discover I'm not even wearing a bra under my polka-dot pajamas?! At least I was wearing clean underwear, Mom!

So I quickly put on "real" clothes and basically hydroplaned my way to and from Geek Squad HQ. They made it worth it, though. They were able to transfer everything onto my new computer so I didn't lose my data or programs. Hurray!

And I took back my "old" computer, too. I figured since it hadn't died quite yet, Carter could use it in his room until its demise. Was he excited? Well, if cleaning off his desk to make room for it in record time is any indication, then yes. I just can't figure out where all the stuff from his desk went.

I'd go downstairs and check his closet but that would require putting on sweats over PJs. Who has time or ambition for that??

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