Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Salute to Sacrifice

My sacrifice of life without a computer for 24 hours could hardly be called a "sacrifice" when we think of the thousands upon thousands who have sacrificed their time – and sometimes their lives – all in the name of freedom.

We shouldn't just wait until Veterans Day to think about veterans and thank them. We should every day. Every time we think, say or do something that we can only do because we live in a free country.

I, for one, take that for granted too often. I need to keep that "Thanks for your service" phrase on the tip of my tongue so it can be used daily – or at least as often as I see someone in uniform or sporting a hat with military pins or an American Legion or VFW jacket. Each person wearing those has a story to tell.

Probably some sad stories, some stories of triumph and always, I'm sure, stories of their sacrifices for their country. For OUR country. For US.

Thanks doesn't quite cover it, but THANK YOU, veterans, for your service, your unselfish commitment, your sacrifices.

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