Thursday, January 7, 2021

Nice is Relative

It was a nice day today in central Wisconsin. Yes, the temperature was still below freezing. But there was no wind. Wind is to winter chills what humidity is to summer heat. No humidity is a perfect summer day. No wind in January means a pleasant walk outside – even with the lack of sunshine.

It was definitely trying to peek out when I went walking around the lake after work. Didn't last long, but yes, it was pretty nice. Until I got home and realized how nice the weather REALLY is ... in other places.

"Our" golf tournament started today. So it's traditional that the Golf Channel compare temps on Maui to those back in Stevens Point, where our home office is located. Even if we got up to freezing, we'd be still be 50 degrees colder.

Wish I was there! But with everything else in the past 9 months, numbers of actual people on the premises are pretty limited. I'd rather go when I can see players and shake hands and sneak hugs. (Ha – depends who's there!)

Instead we watch from our comfy recliners and spot our brand everywhere we can, ha. Hey, we marketing folks take pride in our work.

As a bonus, we're watching some great golf. The Sentry Tournament of Champions is a winners-only affair so these guys have to have won a PGA tournament this past year. Well, some exceptions due to the crazy year that 2020 was. 

So yeah, it's pretty cool. I will watch much more of it this weekend. Tonight I watched for an hour (TV coverage starts at 5 p.m.) and then went to shoot wrestling down in Nekoosa, then came home and watched the victorious end of the Assumption girls basketball game via livestream.

I call that a pretty nice day. 


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