Friday, January 22, 2021

Oh Snap!

It had to happen sooner or later. January had actually feel like, well, January. I gotta say, I could've done without it. Waking up to this cold snap was enough to snap us awake alright!

Low, low single digits. And by noon time, I thought surely it was "nice" enough, in Wisconsin terms, to take a lunchtime walk. Checks temperature...

Oh, snap! This is chilly! I bundled up and braved the cold anyway for a very b-r-r-r-isk walk! That wind. Eek. I only did a mile loop so that half of it could be with the wind at my back.

It seems we are cursed in Wisconsin during January. We can either have sunshine and blue skies (finally!) or it can be "warm" by our standards. But we can't have both at the same time. 

I did try again after work and again, only went a mile. Just not made of the stern stuff I used to be. And I even have extra insulation, if you know what I mean. So no 10,000 steps today. Mainly because I opted to go take pictures of boys basketball rather than get on the "dread-mill."

The games had plenty of hot action as the JV team went into overtime and our Royals won! Then the varsity kept it close but lost to Prentice, who entered this game as an 11-3 team to our 1-11 record. We're getting so close. There'll be a few victories yet, I'm sure.

Today we can all feel victorious we survived the first cold day of winter. And feel spoiled it came a whole month into the season! #LivinTheDream

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