Saturday, January 16, 2021

Hug Your Mom

I've mentioned before that one of the hardest things about this pandemic – for us huggers anyway – is not being able to hug. Not being able to share much of any human contact. And frankly, there are times when we really, really need it.

Some friends of ours had to say their final goodbyes to their mom today. She died last week after a tough battle with pancreatic cancer and her funeral was this morning.

The only positive of an illness like this is that they did have one last chance to say goodbye to her. That one last hug that will have to last long after she let go. One of the negatives – in a pandemic situation – is that the family can't get hugs from many other people either. And they need them. They need human touch to feel warmth. To feel love. To heal.

And those of us trying to comfort are at a loss. We always say, "Let me know if there's anything we can do." But in reality, we can't do much for the mourners. Except hug them and wrap them up in comfort. 

What we can do now is pray they get the comfort they need. And, most importantly, make time to hug the people in your life that you can! 

I called my mom today just to hear her voice – because I could – and basically tell her how much I appreciated her and how lucky I am to still have her in my life. I will try not to take that for granted. She'll be 89 in March and even though she's "starting to feel her age a bit," she can still match wits with the best of them. Oh that would be me, ha. I told her I'd be getting up there in late January or early February just to see her since we missed time together at Christmas.

And honestly, to get one of those good Mom hugs that will carry me to spring.

Folks, hug your loved ones!

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