Monday, December 6, 2021

It's a Dry Heat, er Cold

Just got home from a nearly 2-hour church committee meeting. It's just a t 15-minute drive but it took all of that for my car to warm up. Now I check the temperature (and real feel, uff da) and I see why.

No wonder some of the city streets and side road were ice rinks. Even with the sun, nothing had a chance to melt today. 

And you know what that means... where there's cold, there is the need for heat. And where there is dry hot air blowing, we have static!

Not to pick on kitty, but I could not stop laughing at her static-y hair after I brushed her. It was rising to the brush just like those metal shavings in science class used to rise up to meet the big red magnet. Thankfully I didn't give her a shock. Totally picture worthy, though!

Of course after pushing my hair out of my eyes while wearing minutes tonight, I have the same issue. But no need to photograph that. 

It did remind me though of always getting static cling when we had to wear dresses – and nylons, of course – for winter choir concerts or special program back in the day. That dry air was a killer. Since we didn't care about the Ozone and always had cans of AquaNet on hand, we'd just lift our skirts a bit (scandalous), spray some on the clingy nylons and it helped. 

I guess using lotion also will, but I don't tend to wear dresses for anything these days, so I'll pass that new tip along to you. You're welcome. Follow me tomorrow for more winter grooming hacks.

Now though, I gotta go heat up my bed. I don't care how my hair looks in the morning. I just need to get through these single digits. Be careful out there.

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