Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hello, December

And just like that, with a turn of the calendar page, Ol' Man Winter arrives on Blue Jay Drive.

It's OK though. As long as the rest of this wintery season is like today, we're good. Wake up to unexpected snow and then...

Your eyes are not deceiving you. That's temps in the mid-40s in the mid-afternoon on December 1st. Snow melted and it's all good in the 'hood.

The only negative is that the days continue to get shorter. The sun is setting by 5 p.m. And I'm ready to go to bed at 6 p.m. 

Thankfully I have stimulating things to do to keep me awake (keep it clean). I caught up on The Voice then typed up the minutes from my church constitution meeting. Living large here and yes, that second item is about to put me to sleep.

Hey, I lasted until 9:15 this time!

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