Thursday, June 15, 2023

Bundle Up and Drive

If you've ever wondered if there can be a windchill in June, the answer is yes. Yes, there can. And we had that tonight for golf league. 

We had tee-off temps of 55 and then it got "all the way up" to 58 but "felt like" 56. So yeah, golf league in Wisconsin is not for sissies.

Actually our opponents never showed up. So even though we could've gone home, my partner Marigene and I decided to golf our "victory round." Notice we both have long sleeves and she has a winter hat!

Since it was a brutally slow pace of play like last week, we caught up to the foursome in front of us. Since Sara and Jane are friends of mine, it was only logical we join them. Who cares if there's a six-some at this point? We had the last tee time for league so we might as well golf slowly and coldly together.

Kind of fun knowing we had a forfeit win for the night. I think we were more relaxed and Marigene and I even parred the same hole. Dual Par Dances. WHOOT! 

None of us ever felt warm enough to shed a layer. Our motto was "Bundle up and drive!" And frankly, the more swings, the warmer you were. Perfect for us double-bogey golfers.

P.S. If you're reading this Mother Nature, we'll take summer temps anytime now. Just ignore the calendar and get there here as soon as you can! Thanks in advance!

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