Monday, June 12, 2023

Sticks and Stones... and Zombies?

After Saturday night's driving rain and wind, we (I should say hubby and neighbor) cleaned up the big limb and branches that fell from one of our backyard trees on Sunday. All was as it should be until I glanced out the window and saw this tonight...

If you can't tell from the angle, this rather tall branch / stick (or maybe death sword) has its tip buried in the backyard and is standing perfectly straight. I texted Jim to see if we were on some episode of Survivor that we don't know about, and he said he just noticed it tonight, too, on the way to the ball field.

It wasn't super windy today to drive sticks into the ground. So I'm just going to go with neighborhood shenanigans. I mean, that would help me sleep better. 

That's much more comforting than thinking about recently spotted bears and coyotes in the 'hood playing Ring Around the Rosie.

Of course, Midsommar hits next week so maybe my Scandi-hoovian gods are setting up for the summer solstice. Wait, that sounds way more interesting. I'll keep you posted.

And naturally, I'll have my camera handy.

Be careful out there!

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