Saturday, June 10, 2023

Hitting (and Watching) the Sticks

Pretty much the best way to start a summer Saturday is golfing. So hubby met his crew at 7 a.m.-ish and I met mine for an 8:50 tee time. Works for me. 

I maintained my typical golf round of one par dance and it wasn't until the 8th hole at Tri-City.

Still, I had a blast with friends Sean and Michelle. It was cloudy but no rain and just a bit humid. 

Got home before noon and showered so we could go to a grad party for Miss Emma. Had fun visiting with family and then heard what sounded like daytime fireworks but ended up being a big tree limb falling across the street! 

Our truck was 3 feet to the right on the other side of the street. Uff da. That was close. And still no reason why it fell.

When we got home by 3 p.m., the heavens finally opened up on our brown grass and we got rain!

At least 2.25 inches as of 8 p.m. and guess what? That fireworks-tree falling sound came in handy! I realized we were losing a limb in the back yard!

We've waited awhile for this one to give up and fall so it's not exactly a surprise. Just didn't have Sunday penciled in as a wood chopping or chainsawing day.

Hope y'all were safe today. Be careful out there! 

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