Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Baker's Dozen't

Is it Murphy's Law or Baker's Law when you remodel your kitchen – except for replacing the stove – and then it dies a month later?

This is the last batch of cookies (or anything) baked in our trusty Frigidaire glass-top stove we bought 24 or so years ago. I was trying to be the daughter-in-law of the year Saturday and was excited to discover Cream Cheese chips to add to my spice cookies. But when the first pan was in, all of sudden the temperature was going down. Thankfully, it lasted just enough to get the first 20 cookies out of the oven and give Johnny a dozen.

After further review, the burners no longer worked either. And the clock went black until I turned on the "bake" dial. Yep, far more messed up than when I could simply replace the heating element several years ago. (I was so proud of that DIY moment!) 

So we had to pick out a new stove – and since we have those concrete countertops in place, one that must squeeze into that 30-inch gap exactly! Fingers crossed for the new stove arriving Thursday!

After that, we grabbed some food in Point and went to the Pacelli Co-op Hockey game so I could shoot pictures of their Stick it to Cancer night. I feel like my dates with Mr. Zamboni are now supervised!

Today, we took advantage of our last free weekend for the foreseeable future and went to the movie The Boys in the Boat, based on our 1936 Olympic rowing team. I've read the book and was excited that the movie did a great job reflecting their story. We both liked it.

Then it's been nothing but football and me doing a little photo sorting for scrapbooking weekend. 

Naturally, we ordered Portesi pizza for dinner since we couldn't do a take-and-bake from anywhere. Takes getting used to. I'm wondering if the remaining cookie dough will last in the fridge until I can bake it. Someone seems to like it. And it's not me or the kitty.

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