Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Cold Turkey

It's the beginning of a new year. Time to quit all our bad habits – cold turkey. Pretty sure I am going to have to ease off my sugar addiction. There's still too many treats in the house. And at work. But I'll work on that.

For the record, not giving up caffeine. No point in that at all. My body actually requires it to function so let's pretend I have a doctor's excuse!

As for anything else, I'm a work in progress and since we're 3 days into the new year, there's not much progress to report.

So let's just concentrate on these cold turkeys invading our neighborhood...

In addition to icy roads and deer, it's just one more thing to look out for on my commute! Too bad neither one of those animals make New Year's resolutions to stay off the roads.

Be careful out there!

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