Friday, July 24, 2009

Staying Close

After a bit of a rough night, hubby decided to stay home today, and Carter and I went to Iola for work and Kidz Camp. Jim did get to the chiropractor -- and will see him again this weekend and on Monday. He's in sad shape, but holding up remarkably well. (I'm sure I would be whining a lot more.)

Since it was just the boy and me commuting, we managed to swing by King Cone on the way home. I can see you're surprised. They had a new Cedar Crest flavor today -- Blueberry Waffle Cone. Ohmigosh! Awesome! Carter had Caramel Collision, one of my old favorites. So we were both satisfied customers.

Naturally, that meant that when we got home I had to go on a 3-mile walk. But I didn't mind. It was sunny out!

Since Jim's back is bothering him plenty still, we decided we better stick close to home this evening. He certainly wouldn't want to sit at the races or anything. So Carter and I went into town to pick up a few movies.

When we got home, we saw that they were going to have a special 40th anniversary airing of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Oh the young Paul Newman and Robert Redford! If you can believe it, I have never seen that movie. So we ended up watching that instead of watching another acting legend, Clint Eastwood, in his Gran Torino movie. We'll probably get to that tomorrow.

Carter rented and watched Home Alone for the first time, too. (I know. We don't get out much. Or maybe it's we don't stay in and watch movies enough!) He liked that movie, too. So everybody wins.

Now I'm listening to the Twins game and hoping they win, too. They need something good to happen out on the West Coast. I suppose I could stay up for the whole thing. Golfing is definitely off for tomorrow so I could sleep in if I wanted to.

Oh crap. The Angels just got a home run and are leading 2-zip already. Maybe I'll just go to bed and get right to those prayers!


Anonymous said...

Hope Jim starts feeling better. Gran Torino is a very good movie. But, I don't know if you were planning on having Carter watching it. I strongly suggest not. it has a lot of language and racial slurs in it. As adults you will sometimes laugh & other times overlook some of the stuff being said. Don't get me wrong, it is a very good movie. Some of the things just have to be said to show how it really can be. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. I think the blueberry waffle cone ice cream sounds very good. Lene

Anonymous said...

Had to leave another comment. I had blueberry waffle cone ice cream in Luck on Saturday. So did Steve. We highly recommend it. Very, very good. Raylene