Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Will Work for Food

We set aside all concerns over child labor laws today and put our kids to work setting up for the car show. Hey, in this economy, you gotta take advantage of anyone who will work for food. Or in this case, ice cream.

Since Carter had swimming lessons, I couldn't get him from Kidz Camp until almost noon. So he got out of some of the heavy lifting (which he was fine with) and some spray painting (which he was bummed about). So he spent most of the afternoon hanging signs and loading stuff into the little vending trailer that will become my home away from home the next 4 days.

He actually was having so much fun I think he's envious he can't sit there with me for the show! In fact, he asked me right before bedtime tonight if I was going to pick him up early again from Kidz Camp tomorrow to "work" again. He was disappointed when I said no. (All this and I haven't even "paid" him for the first day.)

Speaking of good deals...

We went to the Legion baseball game in Rapids. It was Buck Nite so Carter and I enjoyed a economical dinner of brats and popcorn and Daddy got a few cheap beers for dessert. Sat with some friends and had a few laughs. Witnessed a near comeback but the Rangers lost 7-5.

Not bad for a cheap date!

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