Thursday, July 9, 2009


I'm not sure how that phrase "coming out of the woodwork" originated, but I wonder if it has any direct ties to words like Back Woods or Jack Pine Savage. Just wondering...

Today was the first day of the Iola Old Car Show. Since I work in the automotive publishing division housed in that same village, I am working the show, set up in a little "decorated" trailer, promoting my new project and our trusted old ones as well.

Since today was mainly a day for swap-meet vendors and the like to mill around the grounds, it is considered our slow day. In other words, prime time for people watching. And trust me, everyone was coming out of the woodwork...

Now to set the record straight. I know I am nowhere near perfect. I have physical, emotional and mental issues aplenty. So I have no right to judge people. And I try my best not to judge them based on their income (or lack of it), their physical fitness (or lack of it), or their dental plan (or lack of it).

I try. But don't always succeed. It just becomes interesting.

As the temperature rises, apparently so does the self-confidence meter. And people who shouldn't be shedding clothes, are. There are those, too, who haven't found a comb -- for the top of their head or their shaggy beard. I had one interesting fellow who actually had an eyebrow comb-over. Seriously. When the wind blew, those eyebrows were sticking straight out at least 2 inches (I have a witness).

But not to be judgmental (shame on me), I will say that I can't label all car-show attendees as such. The people I meet are mostly kind old gentleman wearing sunglasses or glasses, a trucker's cap and a car cruise T-shirt, all looking so much alike they start to blend into the same person after awhile. I find myself thinking, "Haven't I helped you already today?" And that was only the first day.

I am looking forward to 3 more days of observing what or who is coming out of the woods next. Who knows? Maybe Eric Estrada will show up on his CHiPs bike! Like I said, you never know...

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