Saturday, July 16, 2011

Breaking Even

We were up with the sun this morning and seemed ready to kick some butt, but that's not exactly how it played out.

In our first game we played a Plover team that we've faced before and just can't seem to beat. As a team, they didn't do well, but Carter had a good outing, going 1 for 2 and hitting a fine double! That was a good confidence builder for the day despite a loss.

The second game started at noon. We played Beaver Dam. And we seemed a bit better matched. Carter was 1 for 2 again with a single. He and the whole team did well on defense and shutout the other team. We had a slim 1-0 lead for the longest, nerve-wracking time. Was so glad we added 2 more runs as a little insurance. We won 3-0!

Let me tell you, it was a much better afternoon with a win under our belt. The boys had fun in the pool and there was no whining or pouting. Nice.

Also nice was that we escaped the rain and the heat. We had clouds and a breeze so the fan base was not whining or pouting either.

We went to eat at another good bar and grill -- had delicious food again and plenty of it. My pedometer hasn't registered many steps this weekend but I am OK with that, too!

Right now Carter is swimming with his teammates again (since we're all in the same hotel now) and hubby is with the other dads talking silly over beverages somewhere. I expect I'll join the group shortly but then definitely get to bed earlier than last night since we play at 8 a.m. again tomorrow.

Hopefully, like our games today, my weekend sleep will come out even, too!

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