Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Sequel

Today ended up being part 2 of the "Mother Nature screws up our tournament" show. Just like she did in Stevens Point a few weeks ago, she rained out our Sunday games and chances for a trophy.

It rained during the night and through the morning so the field conditions were awful and not playable -- even though the rain stopped by noon. What a bummer we won't know how the boys would have done. At least they can be proud they were undefeated through the first 2 days.

Since we had an unexpected free afternoon, Carter and I finally got to see an even better "sequel." We went to the Cars 2 movie. We've seen the first Cars together at least 50 times, I am sure. The second one had a much different story line than the first one but still very entertaining. And nothing beats good movie theater buttered popcorn for lunch!

It was very warm and muggy out after the rain, so we kept inside in the A/C for the most part. I did read a little on the back deck until I discovered a busy bee hive next to me. Why do I always find these dangerous animals in and around our house?

Late this afternoon, our friends the Jacksons came over for awhile. Christine and I relaxed in the hot tub for awhile. She's dealing with a stiff neck and my back hurts from all the lifting and sitting at the car show. Yes, we're getting old!

By the way, Carter's back feels much better now after he did some icing and hot-tubbing last night. So he really was all set to play some ball today. I sure hope Mother Nature gives him another chance next weekend!

We did awesome in Fond du Lac last year. I'd like to see the sequel to that!

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