Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Simple Rewards

Remember back in grade school when the teacher would put those gold star stickers on our perfect papers? Man, if I had a dollar for every gold star I got, I could retire.

In 20-some years, if all goes as planned.

When I think about it, the gold star was a nice gesture of encouragement, but certainly not necessary. I mean, they were teaching us something and we were supposed to learn it, right? We shouldn't really get rewarded for doing something that is expected. We don't get gold stars for doing a stellar job at work, do we? No. We get a pay check! They could just write "We're even" at the bottom of each check, and they'd be entirely correct.

There are times, though, I think a simple reward is warranted. There are people who go above and beyond the norm of expectations.

Today, hubby got a pin from the Red Cross to mark his 5th gallon of blood he's donated! I give him major kudos for that! I've previously shared my difficulty giving blood. They just can't keep me conscious. Kind of important. So I had to give that up. But Jim gives religiously when the bloodmobile comes to our workplace every 8 weeks. That's awesome!

I honestly don't know where he keeps all these pins for valor. He definitely doesn't boast about them -- so I do it for him!

And I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty close to earning a 5-gallon pin myself.

For eating ice cream, that is. Hey, we all have to have goals.

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