Sunday, July 24, 2011


Some things are better left unsaid. In a blog anyway. I think I've downloaded and processed my class reunion in my mind enough to conclude a few things -- one being that this was my last reunion!

OK, it's not because it was bad. I had no expectations and those were met. Plus, there are always a few things that make me shake my head -- really shake my head -- and feel grateful that I am a long ways from Luck or anywhere north of Highway 8. But I'm trying not to be judgmental, in print anyway.

Let's just say it was good to see classmates I haven't see in awhile and especially good to visit with my twin Raylene (next to me in red in the photo above) and my BFF from high school Julie (right of me in photo). Which is what I thought after the last one. So I'm good with being done now. (And sharing a few entertaining stories in a different venue.)
We ended up having 18 out of 45 class members show up. Here, we are trying to get a group shot and Julie and I are goofing around in the center since no one else was taking the photo seriously. My husband the photographer was the only one taking a picture and still not everyone looked at the camera!

I think they were concerned about our next stop across the street. It was Lucky Days after all, so there were people to see and beverages to consume elsewhere. At that point, Jim and I left and went to pick up Carter -- who had fun working on a puzzle and playing cards with Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed at Raylene's and hit the road by 10 a.m. today.

On the way home, we saw something that hubby would say we typically would see north of Highway 8, but this was a little bit south.

What the ? I do not know the story behind this but I sure could make one up!

Just like with the reunion, though, I better take Thumper's advice from the Bambi movie: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

OK, mum's the word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Robyn, my husband wants to know who is standing behind Julie...he doesn't recognize him. I told him he must have already developed memory loss!! LJ#5