Monday, July 11, 2011

Manic Monday

Oh is it hard getting back to the daily grind when you've essentially been away from your desk for 4 days.

I still had some car show "cleanup" to get done today, but I had so much other catching up to do, I never made it outside. When we did step out at the end of the work day, it was pretty stinkin' toasty out! I would have been disgustingly sweaty if I had "worked" outside earlier. Probably a good thing I can't get to it until tomorrow.

After work, we went to pick up Carter at his babysitting job. All in all, that's going pretty good for him. He enjoys the kids but has had a few challenges now and then. I think that's good. That maybe gives him a little insight into how frustrated Mom and Dad can get when he cops an attitude. Not an attitude, really, just answering in that annoyed tone that sounds disrespectful. (Sort of like my mother heard when I was, oh, about 13!)

Got home and Jim went to drop the CRV off for an oil change and I went grocery shopping. Don't you love when you make out a nice organized list (in order of buying from the back of the store to the front), then get to the store and realize the list is sitting at home on the counter? Grrr. Well I still managed to spend almost a hundred bucks so I figured I got everything.

Close. All but one thing so that's pretty good!

The guys don't care anyway. They are too busy watching the All-Star Home Run Derby, which, like everything else, looks great in HD. Our only challenge now with our new TV is that our DVD player is so old it can't connect to the TV without some expensive converter. We like our surround sound though, so I had to "browse" at Wal-Mart for some sort of replacement in-home theater system. I didn't buy anything without talking to hubby first, but it's amazing we can get it for less than half of what we paid for our system about 8 years ago.

Why is it that technology keeps getting cheaper but gasoline costs keep going up? Unfortunately, we're dependent on both!

These days, I am also dependent on drugs. Can't seem to shake that congestion and cough crud I started a week ago. I am treating it as allergies -- but now recall that this is what I did last summer and I ended up having bronchitis. So we'll keep close tabs on this.

It's quite possible this is a side effect of going too many days without ice cream! Sorry, Mr. Pharmacist, I've got my own cure for that.

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