Friday, July 15, 2011

Finale in Fond du Lac

We're sitting here in Fond du Lac, hoping to sleep fast so we can play our first baseball game at 8 a.m.!

Good thing we found a hotel room for tonight. If we had it our way, we could have been here all day today.

We had some server issues at work that prevented us from well, working, today. So really it would have been the perfect day to play hooky and go golf. But since the car and trunk are full of a giant cooler on wheels plus baseball bag and 2 overnight bags, there was no room for clubs. So hubby and I stuck it out at work, doing any work that doesn't require a computer -- which isn't much, I tell you.

We hit the road by 2 and headed east. Carter came with us to Iola today so we didn't have to circle back home. That was wise. We had enough circling around with all the road construction and detours -- and later when I was trying to find a place to eat supper.

I am very thankful for the GPS I got for Mother's Day. Even if it drove us right to road construction at times, it still got 4 car loads of baseball families to a restaurant that fed us all good American bar food -- and got us back to our hotels.

I say hotels because we are staying at one hotel tonight and the "team" hotel tomorrow night. We had booked Saturday early on and didn't anticipate an 8 a.m. game. So when I called back last week for Friday night, there was nothing available. Now we're just down the road, so not a big deal.

Just need to shut up, brush my teeth and sleep fast. Then hopefully everyone has energy to kick some butt!

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