Sunday, July 31, 2011

Heat, Hail and Honey

You know you're on vacation when you don't shower for the day until 1:20 p.m. the first time... and then have so much fun outdoors, you need 2 more showers later!

It was a hot one again today. Temps were in the 80s but the heat index (that lovely humidity formula) put the temperature at 97 by early afternoon. Uff da!

I actually spent the morning indoors in the A/C getting some "chores" done that I never got around to yesterday. I sat out on the deck a little bit reading my hometown newspaper before putting it in recycling and got hot pretty quickly out there! It did rain a bit but that just steamed things up later.

Took shower and hubby and I went into town on a mission to find some corn on the cob. Thanks to a hot tip from a neighbor, we found a stand of "candy corn" in a parking lot on the main drag. Probably farmers from Minnesota. For some reason they come over with good sweet corn long before ours (as in people who actually grow it, not us) is ready.

Stopped at the store to grab some steaks and a watermelon and had ourselves a real summer supper! We wisely ate indoors -- not necessarily because of the heat, but because the hail was falling like crazy and bouncing around. It didn't really develop into much of a storm though and thankfully it was done before my second cob of corn!

This evening, while Carter watched Rocky III, Jim and I took a walk around Lake Wazeecha. Thanks to the hail, it was a bit cooler out. Saw plenty of water puddles from the hard rain but, knock on wood, no mosquitoes. The only animal we saw was a big ol' turtle who was not making any better time than we were. Thankfully.

The trail around the lake is just about a 4-mile path so I had a good hour of bonding time with my honey. Not sure why we only find time to do this when we're on vacation.

But I like it!

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