Monday, August 1, 2011

Shark Week

Last year at this time, we were vacationing in Fort Lauderdale and I was a little more than concerned about sharks during a certain TV channel's "Shark Week." You don't want to go to bed with visions of sharks in your head, then wake up and head down to the beach. A bit unnerving to say the least.

This year, we are land-lubbers facing a different kind of shark altogether. Yup, it appears Mother Nature has her claws out and wants to wreak havoc on the very few vacation plans we made.

Today was hot and muggy and cloudy. Hardly worth hanging around outside so I got some indoor work done -- like downloading photos and cleaning off our desk. Carter was babysitting for the day so hubby and I went up to Marshfield to visit Jim's aunt and uncle this afternoon. Had a nice visit and enjoyed seeing all the pretty flowers she has grown this summer. (Some day when my black thumbs turn green, I am going to do that, too!)

Got home in the late afternoon and enjoyed some more corn on the cob for supper. Then Carter and I wrapped up our Rocky marathon and watched Rocky IV -- pretty much my favorite after the original. Now Carter's convinced he's going to join the Rapids boxing club (if there is such a thing) and I, after seeing all that blood and gore, am convinced he shouldn't. We'll see.

Tried to do my own Rocky workout tonight and run but it was just too heavy out. Yes, heavy. The air was heavy and not easy to breathe in and out. So I capped it off at 3 miles and will have to do my long run later this week.

I didn't want to overdo it tonight because we were (emphasis on were) supposed to get up early tomorrow and meet friends in Green Bay to go golfing. Now that Mother Nature is giving us 80% chance of rain and strong storms over there, we already have to take a rain check and hope for something better on Friday.

In a domino effect, this screws up a potential overnight trip we had pondered -- but hadn't confirmed -- doing on Thursday. So now we really might not do anything at all. Sort of like we originally planned.

But I still say Mother Nature is as vicious as a shark. Without the teeth but quite capable of messing with my beach-like sun-bathing time!

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