Monday, August 8, 2011


Back in the days we had a Space Shuttle program, you might recall the drama when the spacecraft would re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. It can be dangerous and risky but downright necessary. If one wants to return home, that is.

Today's re-entry into the work atmosphere after a week off was no less dramatic. Well, slightly less.

The first danger was whether the obnoxious alarm clock would survive several hefty slams to the snooze button. Then, as we left the driveway, we thought, "Do we remember the way?" Darn. We did.

Seriously, though, it wasn't like it was anything we didn't expect. It was a whole lot of "catch up" and figuring out how to get on top of things so we wouldn't be too far behind this week. No sense erasing 9 days in the stress-free atmosphere on the first day back!

When we got home this afternoon, I took Carter into town to order new glasses. Even if he does successfully get those contacts in later this week during official Try #2, he is going to need glasses as a backup. Thankfully, there was a back-to-school special but I still dropped a decent chunk of change.

If I had any doubts about why it was necessary to re-enter the workforce today, that cleared it up. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know. And even if it did, you know me and my black thumb...

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