Monday, August 29, 2011

A Bit Premature

We all hope our children will make good, sound, mature decisions as they age. It's sort of a crap shoot really. I mean sometimes they are oh so mature, you stick your chest out with pride. "That's MY kid!" you say.

Other times, though, they can act so premature.

Yup, that's right pre-mature.

Take these two youngsters in our front yard...
Don't you think it's a bit premature to be sporting fall colors?! Someone needs to tell them it's so NOT fashionable to be wearing those colors BEFORE Labor Day! Seriously, take a closer look...

Yes, pretty to look at -- but just not this early!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love fall. But when temps dip into the 40s like they did last night and we get this fashion show out front, I'm not happy. Believe me, if this is a sign of things to come (and it usually is and it usually does) then I'll be like a squirrel gathering nuts for winter.... savoring every drop of sunshine I can find in the coming weeks.

Listen, kids... er, trees. I'm not about to put my white shoes away just yet. So you can hold off on your post-Labor Day rituals, too.

Please. Just a little while...

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