Monday, August 22, 2011

!@#$% My Hubby Says

Someday Carter may have his own blog about "Stuff" My Dad Says, but for now I will have to fill you in on some of the wisdom passed down from one Austin to the next.

Carter, our chronic worry wart, has been quite concerned for days about middle school football practice starting today.

We tried to help him prepare with our mini Boot Camps (even Dad made him run yesterday by threatening to out-run him, bad knee and all).

I also have stressed that "official" practice is not that much different from his Football Camp he had last week. It will be the same group of kids, probably the same drills, too -- perhaps just a tad more intense.

Carter is home this week so he also had all day to chew on these words advice from Dad: "Make sure you pick something for lunch that will taste good coming up later."

Yup, Carter had nothing to worry about, did he?

Now that's it over, he can say yes, it was very tough, but yes, I survived it and no, I did not puke. Tomorrow may be a different story, but let's hope not. We do want him to do well and not suffer too much. As operators of the Ma & Pa Boot Camp, though, we just can't let him know that.

As my wise hubby often says to Carter: "The only reason people have kids is so they have someone to pick on!"

Yup, that's BLEEP My Hubby Says. And rarely can I argue with his logic.

Can you?

1 comment:

Brent Frankenhoff said...

I'll agree with Jim, but stop picking on Carter. He's a good kid. Feel free to pick on mine, however. He makes good pickin'.