Friday, August 12, 2011

Two By Four

Drum roll, please... Carter officially went from Mr. Four Eyes to Mr. Two Eyes again!

Trust me, if you knew the depth of the drama and trauma the first time he tried to get those contacts in 2 weeks ago, you'd appreciate our excitement!

As it turned out, Carter's new glasses came in today as well so while we waited for his "contacts" appointment, they fitted him in his new grownup-looking specs. Very nice. And much better than the duct-taped pair that somehow survived 3 days of football. Nothing beats duct tape!

When it was time for the contact attempt, the eye doctor helped him. Apparently all the assistants turned down the opportunity. Or he drew the short straw.

It took about a half hour to get the first one in. Not kidding. And that was only after the doctor said maybe Carter would have to practice some more and come back in a week. Magically after that, he got the first one in! He pretty much decided he was not going to go home again without contacts. It did take another 15 minutes to get the second one in. At this rate, he'll have to get up very, very early for school!

When they were both in, the doctor had him take them both out, clean them and put them back in. The second time around, it took only 8 minutes for the right eye and 2 minutes for the left. He's improving.

He practically skipped out of there and I can't blame him. "We should celebrate! Like go to Dairy Queen or something!" (He is his mother's son alright.)

I'll have to get used to the non-glasses look and, naturally, his primary concern is evening out the tan lines on the face before school starts. Yes, boys can be vain, too. And believe me, Carter already picked out and purchased his first pair of "cool sunglasses" ... two months ago in anticipation.

Some things are definitely worth waiting for. And I hope he finds this is one of them.

Now I have to log off so we can celebrate. No, not Dairy Queen. I just happened to have a Schwan's Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Pizza in the freezer.

I was just waiting for a special occasion!

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