Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Buh-Bye Summer

I guess if tomorrow's the big day for just about every kid in Wisconsin, I guess tonight is School's Eve or something.

To celebrate the festive occasion we went to... school! Where else?

Tonight after football practice, there was Middle School orientation at Assumption. Carter got his new locker and combination -- and promptly stuffed it (in an organized fashion, of course) with tons of school supplies needed for 8th grade. Yikes, 8th grade!

Then we got to have brief meeting with all the 7th- and 8th-graders and their parents to meet the new principal and hear about any new rules, etc. Before it started, Carter was sitting by all the boys. I was surprised when he came over to sit by us. "Don't you want to sit with all your friends?" I asked. "No, I'm fine," he says.

I was busy shuffling papers in the information folder and the next time I look up, he's already moved away from me. Conveniently landing in a group of girls! Did I think for a moment this school year would be any different? I shouldn't have.

He's a smooth one.

Got home in time to fill out a bunch of forms, wash some football items and get the backpack packed. That's when Carter just about broke down in tears. "Summer's really over?!"

Well, I guess. I mean you go to school 2 days. Then you have a 3-day weekend. Then just a 4-day school week. I think you'll ease into this.

Let's hope the homework and friendly phone calls don't pile up any faster either.

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