Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Had a blessed break from the heat and humidity today!

Carter attended his first day of a 3-day Football Camp and agreed it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Yes, we sort of twisted his arm about this. We figured he should go out for a "new" sport by 8th grade because you don't want to try to walk onto a high school team next year with no knowledge or experience. So he very, very reluctantly agreed to go out for middle school football. And we were very, very relieved he might just be OK with it!

While he was at camp this evening, I went for my long run. You know, 8 miles doesn't feel bad when you can actually breathe the non-humid air and feel a cool breeze. Love it! Felt fine but decided not to go any longer than 8 since there were dark clouds rolling in. Got on the front porch just before the rain hit.

I had to spend the rest of my evening on a work project so I am totally ready for bed. Yes, it's good sleeping weather but is my mind clear enough to take advantage of it?

Let's hope so. Last night my mind was going and going too late. And Carter's nerves (yes, about football) were keeping him up.

I suspect even those pesky crickets are going to chill out tonight so we can sleep!

G'night, my cool friends!

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