Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And We're Clear

I love when drugs do what they're supposed to. I mean legal drugs, of course.

Thanks to some good antibiotics, Carter's Pink Eye is completely cleared up! It has really helped that Mr. Anti-Medicine has been very good about letting us put the drops in. We have also wisely kept him out of the swimming pool, too, so we aren't doing anything to irritate the eyes and prevent full recovery.

This is good news because this means when we're done with the drops at the end of the week, we'll have another shot at getting those contacts in. Hopefully we'll find success this time without any drama.

This time, too, Carter really, really, really wants it to work. Partly because he is embarrassed he couldn't get them both in last time. And partly because playing football the past 2 days with broken glasses has been no picnic!

Thankfully, they haven't had any player-to-player contact yet. That's when things will get interesting. Carter is much more the sensitive type over the aggressive type. If he would have grown up with a younger sibling to boss around, I'm sure it would be much different. Heck, my twin sister and I would only have to be slightly bored and we'd say, "Let's fight!"

Not that I'm competitive in any way.


Maybe Carter will grow into that some day when he hits his "regular" growth spurt. That will be coming soon, I suspect. We checked tonight and he is 5 feet, 1 1/2 inches tall. Yes, he's closing in on me. And yes, that means I'm actually taller than 5' 1"!

Not that I'm competitive in any way. Just so we're clear.

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