Thursday, August 4, 2011

Earning Power

I had more than 21,500 steps on my pedometer today. And let me tell you, I earned every one.

Got up very early to join my co-half-marathon-runner friend Chris for a 9-mile run. Our feet were on the pavement by 6:30 a.m. and it was already muggy. Gotta love training in Wisconsin. Good thing we still got 6 weeks left.

When I got home, hubby was off golfing with his dad and Carter was still in bed. I put our last Butter Braid in the oven and took a shower. Of course, Carter got up at the smell of blueberry baking. Wouldn't you?

I did not sleep well last night so I was just beat by mid-morning. I relaxed on the front deck with my new BFF Mr. Deck Chair, then honestly just had to lay down at noon. I took a 90-minute nap! I've never done that! And it was awesome. Yes, vacation rocks!

Got my energy together by late afternoon and earned some more steps on the golf course -- finally. Went with hubby, my younger stepson Clay and Carter to the Ridges. This is just my third time golfing this summer so I sort of wanted to warm up before our outing in Green Bay tomorrow. It was a nice warm-up.
Hubby had some good drives as usual but was not pleased with his overall score.

Clay did much better than I expected. And I didn't know what to expect since it's been a few years since we golfed with him. He's gotten out more this summer than Dad and I combined. Lucky!

Putting didn't go too bad. I forgot to keep count, but I know I had way fewer 3 putts this time out.

This was Lefty's first time out this year. Yes, Carter is right-handed but swings a baseball bat and golf club left.

He did have a few decent shots so didn't do too badly overall. He definitely wants to get out to the driving range sometime while we're still on vacation.... which sadly means sometime in the next 3 days.

He apparently inherited my putting ability, but something tells me he will overcome it long before I will! Good for him.

My excitement was that I was actually putting for birdie once. A mile away but still putting for it. No, I didn't make it and actually bogeyed that hole, but did have one par on my card. That's typical Robyn golf -- one par per 9 holes.

And I am OK with that. Heck, we golfed. that's all that matters!

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