Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Scenes

It started out on the cloudy and cool side today so I figured I should try to be as productive as possible indoors.

Got my housework done, then buzzed Carter's hair (new look to go with no glasses, I guess), baked cranberry bars and cookies. When the sun decided to stay out, I ran 4 miles, tossed the football to Carter a few times and educated him on soaking up the sun.

I also had time to upload a few recent photos and some that I magically captured today!

This is our friend Sandy and me in our golf outing in Green Bay last Friday -- when the girls beat the boys!

There was no shortage of 'Vettes in the car show in Rapids last weekend. Carter definitely had a hard time choosing! Wouldn't you?

We hate bees! Went out on the front deck today and noticed busy bees in two little hives off the front of the house. They are doomed to die tonight by the hand of Jim the Bee Slayer and his weapon of Deadly Foam.

My excitement today is that after months, yes months, of trying to capture a hummingbird at our feeder, I finally got a photo IN FOCUS! Those birds are too fast for me and my camera. One shot out of probably 2 dozen tries will just have to do!

I captured this cool dude, too! What's funny was that Top Gun is on last night -- a movie made waaaaay before his time -- but he looks like he could fit in. I doubt I'll start calling him Maverick, but I should start warning the girls!

For now, I need to get off the computer. Carter has a Fantasy Football draft tonight with several of his cousins on my side of the family. After doing a league with me and the Austin boys last year, he's a pro now. If you recall his obsession with it, you know he can handle teams in 2 leagues this year.

Maybe I should warn my nieces and nephew! Nah, with a Rocky-related team name like "I Pity the Fool," I think they'll find out soon enough!

1 comment:

Writer Rahn said...

Life is clearly good for you my dear good friend! The BEB looks awesome with his new do and new eyes - look out ladies!

So proud to be your friend!