Friday, August 19, 2011

Family Time

Typically, when you live long distance from your family, the only time you see extended family (cousins) is for weddings, funerals and the occasional baby shower or high school graduation party.

Three out of four of those are loads of fun, but when you get to a certain age -- say my age -- we know that one of them is more likely to occur than the others. Sadly.

Today it was so nice to see so much of my family on my mom's side. Unfortunately, it was due to my uncle's funeral, but we had some good visits nonetheless. As a bonus, I got to see 2 classmates from high school, too. And as a super bonus, I got to see all my siblings but the one who lives more long distance than me.

We ended up leaving that neck of the woods around 2 p.m. or so, which meant we made it back to Rapids in time to go see our nephew Colin race. As a bonus, we got to spend some time with my "other" family... my in-laws!

Carter chose to stay home tonight. Hubby and I left the races after Colin's race -- where he finished 8th or 9th -- since it was already 11 p.m. Lots of delays tonight. There was still more racing going on when we left, but I am just plain tuckered out and wanted to get home.

As a bonus, we are sleeping in our own bed and, you guessed it, staying in our own Honeymoon Suite. Free of charge!

Now that is suite! I mean, sweet!

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